Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Katie's first swimming lesson and Mommy Baby Yoga class Day!

Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.
Today Katie had her first swimming lesson at the pool at Carroll High School. She wasn't happy but she was in the pool. I spent the entire time holding her telling her it was okay and I was there. She cried when we got a little deeper but the teacher said that this would happen for a couple of the lessons.

So you are wondering why I am having Katie start swimming lessons at the age of seven months when we don't have a pool.
1. I want her not to be afraid of the water.
2. Auntie Kay and Auntie Wendy have pools.
3. It gets us out of the house and she has more interaction than the stroller at the mall.

Mommy and Baby Yoga: She liked because she wanted to interact with everyone. She got tired at the end (because she didn't have a good nap after swimming) so she will probably be out for another hour or so.

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