There is this show that Katie has been watching on Nick Jr. Called "Yo Gabba Gabba" She loves this show. Here is one of the songs that they sing...
Now people are comparing this show to Pee Wee's Playhouse....
I think it is a reminder of New Zoo Review....
Friday, December 28, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Tales of the Puking Child.......
TUESDAY DECEMBER 18, 2007......
Today Katie had swim class. The teacher had her float on her back while holding the back of her neck. Then I noticed that the teachers hands were at her side and Katie was FLOATING BY HERSELF!!!! She did that three times in the pool but once we got to the hot tub (not on) she just wanted to play. She spit up a little but I thought it was nothing. I did notice that Katie had the hiccups three times today (which is odd for her right now).
After she got up from her nap we went to Kid to Kid (resale shop) and I found a video monitor for $39.99. Adam and I have been talking about getting one for Spud #2 and I knew that I saw one over there. I asked if it worked and they told me that it did and even showed me (which was good because I would not have bought it on their word). They also gave me $5.00 off plus the 10% off sale that they were having (WOO HOO!!!) We are now using it in Katie's room.
Tonight Katie was just a bear to be with and one of those times where I was going to sell her to the Gypsies in Grapevine. She didn't want to eat and she was rubbing her eyes so I put her to bed knowing that she would wake up later hungry.
I went to Old Navy because they had a sale where almost everything was 40% off. After FINALLY finding the Maternity section (that they moved....again!) I looked and had no interest at all in anything that they had. So I was going to go to Grapevine Mills and decided half way there that I didn't want to deal with people and just went home.
I've also been having problems with Round Ligament pain. I had the same pain when I was pregnant with Katie and it wasn't fun. Spud #2 was giving me the angry movement (that Katie would give me when I was at work and a patient would be rude to me). So I had a chat with Spud 2 telling it that Katie is their older sister and she also is a toddler so it would have to deal with it. Yeah...I'm going to get the leg pain of death when April comes around. (Leg pain of Death: Child finding nerve and rubs head up against that nerve causing SHOOTING pain down right side of leg. I was told that I did that when Mom was pregnant with me. Katie did it when I was pregnant with her starting about April 2006).
So moving on....
I went home and Adam told me that he heard Katie making noise and mentioned that he was going to put the camera in the room if she got up. Sure enough she was up and screaming. We went in and.....
It's PUKEFEST December 18th 2007!!!! and she is NOT HAPPY
So we get her in the tub and take turns stripping her crib, putting new sheets on, and finding clothes for her to wear. Then I turned on Curious George and gave her some water which she sucked down. After George was over and the camera was set up I put her back to bed. As far as I know she went back to sleep.
On Tuesday after Katie went to sleep I finally decided at 10 that it was time for me to go to bed. I checked on the spud (my usually routine) and she woke up, coughed, and puked what ever she had in her stomach. We cleaned her up and put her back to bed.
She woke up at 2 crying and Adam said that he saw her on the video monitor tossing her blankets out of her crib. So I got up and changed her diaper. 2 minutes later she is crying again because she was getting sick again and there is nothing in her tummy. After cleaning her up again she went to sleep. It is 8:40 and she is still sleeping. I don't think we are going to make Gymboree at 9:15.
Decided to see how she does today. If she doesn't get sick fine. If she does and cannot keep anything down then the Dr will get a call.
Well I'm hoping that what ever Katie had did not go to me. Today I woke up with a killer headache and not feeling all that great. Katie ate some stuff and was drinking water. I took a nap when she did and woke up feeling worse (and I took a Tylenol before I went to sleep). So I was sick and I shipped the Spud over to play with Grandpa. I took a phenogren and went to bed about 4:30.
Woke up when Adam came home and he went to play with Katie over at Grandma's. Now I don't know what happened but what I heard was Katie was playing and Adam heard her make this strange noise. He went to check on her (because Connor makes a strange noise before he gets sick) and sure enough she did. Guess Grandpa (or Adam) didn't tell Grandma that Katie had been sick(NOTE: I'm not saying that my husband is an idiot. I know that miscommunication happens. As I said before I WASN'T THERE) She had GoGert and cheese. But after she was fine happy as a clam trying to swim in the tub while Adam was giving her a bath.
I woke up about 8:30 when they got home. I'm planning on going back to sleep.
Tomorrow I am calling the Dr and seeing what we can do. We are seeing family for Christmas and I don't need to be getting sick (or anyone else sick for that matter).
So today I took Katie to swimming. I know it was a big mistake because she cried most of the time but we already had our "skip" day about a week ago and we had to go. She was asleep withing 10 minutes of leaving the parking lot (that has never happened).
So I call the nurse and wait for her to call. When she calls I tell her what has been going on and I also mentioned that while swimming Katie kind of "spaced out" She asked what I meant. I told her basically Katie was looking off into the distance and if I was in the way she was still looking there. She told me that the Dr wasn't there and was booked tomorrow morning (didn't even offer to see if I wanted to see one of the 5 other drs there), to make sure that Katie had wet diapers ever 4-6 hours and if she still acted strange and "spaced out" to take her to an urgent care center.
Great. FREAKING great.
So Katie wakes up about 2:30 or so and I give her some water and try (note the word try) to give her a waffle. "NO!!!" Okay so I give her some fish crackers. She eats them. I give her a little more with part of a waffle (no I will never learn). She picks up the waffle, looks at me and says "NO!!!" and then tosses it on the floor.
When she starts being a fuss bucket I pick her up and put her in her play yard. She wasn't too keen on that idea. So I picked her up and rocked her. 10 minutes later....
Guess I shouldn't have rocked her...
So I put her in the tub, gave her a bath, put some new clothes on her, put her in the crib, I took a shower, called Adam and then went to the Urgent Care Center.
You know you get in really quick when you list the reason for coming in as Vomiting/not eating. We got in at 4 left at 6:15. The Dr said that there is a stomach bug going around. She gave her some meds and some pedilite and told me NO MILK PRODUCTS FOR 72 hours and to have a bland diet. Yeah...that won't be hard.
She went home and had some more Pedilite and some cheerios. Went to bed at 7:30.
So I don't know what I had yesterday was a stomach bug or not. All I know is that I feel much better (but sleeping most the day will do that) and I know Katie feels better because after 20 minutes of taking this pill she looked at me and said "Cookie?"
So that has been our week. Guess we should be happy that it happened this week instead of next week. Happy Holidays!!!
Love, B, Adam, Katie, Baby Eakins #2 (in progress) and the puds
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Long time no post
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Get Them While They Are Young!!!!
We had to get a new chair because Adam's green chair died. So we got a lazyboy recliner over at the Grace Store. Sunday Katie was watching Star Wars relaxing with her bottle.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
What Katie is watching now
We are showing Katie the Muppet Show. She loves it. Adam said that she really liked this....
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
One Year Ago Today at 7:12pm
At about this time I finally had my epideral. My body finally relaxed and Katie was getting ready to surpise us and be ready to appear.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The chocolate has just kicked in
Katie had a cupcake. She liked squishing it and spreading it all over her high chair tray. Her party will be on Saturday.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Katie's Vacation from Mom and Dad
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday, May 07, 2007
Eleven Months
She was all over the place this time. We had to find things that would keep her attention.
Every animal that Katie sees right now is called a "DOG!" She said "CAT" for about two days and now she calls Satine and Connor "DOG!"
Bears are on the TV right now and she is saying "DOG!"
Bears are on the TV right now and she is saying "DOG!"
Saturday, April 14, 2007
The Look
Katie has been giving this look that freaks everyone out. Today we were lucky to get her picture taken with that look.
It starts off very simple...She is very happy
Then she starts the look with this...
Which then turns into this.
When this happens I get the question "What is wrong with her? Why is she giving me this look???"
This is what I call the Uncle Bill look....
It starts off very simple...She is very happy
Then she starts the look with this...
Which then turns into this.
When this happens I get the question "What is wrong with her? Why is she giving me this look???"
This is what I call the Uncle Bill look....
Monday, April 09, 2007
Are you going to Scarborough Faire.....
Well it's that time of year again. Scarborough Faire opened on April 7th. Once again we packed up the car and drove down to Waxahachie, Texas. We expected the usual rain, thunder and hot weather...but not SNOW!!! It's freaking APRIL!!!!! See GREATWHITEPAW.COM for more pictures
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Grandma Barbara is on spring break this week. Today Katie is going over to Grandma and Grandpa's for the whole day. While Katie is there Mommy will be going TO A MOVIE!!! (Mommy hasn't been to a movie since JULY 22, 2006!!!)
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Katie at the park
We went to the park yesterday. She seemed to have fun in the swing. Katie is crawling up a storm and into EVERYTHING! I think we are going to have to stop going to Mommy/Baby Yoga because she is all over the place. All I know is once she begins to walk the cats are DOOMED!!!!
Friday, February 23, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Quote of the Week
Monday, February 19, 2007
Found her like this after her nap
We both took a nap today and I heard hear laughing. When I finally got up and went to get her she was like this CRYING. I said "Hold right there" got the camera phone and took the picture. She (of course) started smiling when she saw that I was taking her picture.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Look What I Can Do!!!!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day 2007
Katie is in her crib right now taking a nap. This picture was taken yesterday. She is in her play yard (AKA The CAGE). She loves it because she has more room to crawl around (and more room for her toys). We are going to celebrate Valentines day tomorrow when we drop the kid off at Grandma and Grandpa's and go out to dinner.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Eight Month Pictures
She's sitting up really good now. She's also able to roll around and then sit up.

"Hey! I know you!!!"

"And then he thew the ball and it got intercepted!"

Mommy is a Chicago Bears fan. She got this outfit on Ebay just in time for the Super Bowl!

"You are brain washing my child to like football!!!" --Daddy (in so many words he did say this...Mommy can't remember the exact thing he did say)

"Bored now"
"Hey! I know you!!!"
"And then he thew the ball and it got intercepted!"
Mommy is a Chicago Bears fan. She got this outfit on Ebay just in time for the Super Bowl!
"You are brain washing my child to like football!!!" --Daddy (in so many words he did say this...Mommy can't remember the exact thing he did say)
"Bored now"
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Katie and her new friend
Katie has a new friend. She's over at the Nesting Place where we go for Mommy Baby Yoga and other classes.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Look No Hands!!!
Okay so went went shopping today and Mom bought this.
Now she is jumping around doing stuff and I'm being held by this.
I heard her say that this will be the last baby sling she will ever buy and it has 5 ways to put me in.
It's called the Ultimate Baby Wrap.
Now she is jumping around doing stuff and I'm being held by this.
I heard her say that this will be the last baby sling she will ever buy and it has 5 ways to put me in.
It's called the Ultimate Baby Wrap.
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