Saturday, September 30, 2006

Picture of the Day

Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

"Oh're taking my picture again???"

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

baby bjorn

Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.
this was taken about three weeks ago. I decided to put her in what we call her "Bucky carrier" (from the cartoon strip "Get fuzzy") and I decided to go out and get the mail. Sadly we realized that the carrier (and the hat) was getting too small for her. Our little girl is growing up.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Happy Fall!!! (one day late)

Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.
Got this hat at target. It is finally fall here in Texas and she needs hats

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Katie and Kayla

Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.
We came in to pick up boogerbear after work (grandma is still sick) and found her here with Kayla. Don't they look cute!!! Everytime I think about quitting and staying at home with her I then think about how much she has learned and now knows that there are others like her.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Daycare Diseases

So after a week of being at daycare Katie brings home the sniffles. "It will build up her immune system" Adam says. Two days later Adam feels icky. Head hurts and his stomach feels squishy so he takes a half day off and goes home. I feel tired but it's Monday and what else is new. I'm ALWAYS tired...I'm a Mom! That night I went to Belly Dance and picked up the "snot monster" at G&G Eakins. After eating Arby's and getting everything ready for the next day I don't feel so well. I took some pepto and went to bed. Woke up at 2am, took some pepto and went to bed. Katie woke up at 6 and I went to feed her. I start to feel icky. Adam feels better but not at 100 percent. I went to get ready for work and Adam says "Don't get sick in the bathroom" What does my stomach hear "" So now I'm sick. Adam feels better by Wednesday...It takes me to FRIDAY to finally feel better.

This morning Adam's cell phone goes off. It's Grandma Barbara. "I'm sick. I'm not going to work. You'll have to pick up the baby" Yeah...guess what she got...The disease from the snot monster.

Other than that Katie is now 3 and a half months old (15 weeks old) today. She's still a happy baby in the morning and now can "talk" your ear off. She seems to enjoy daycare and they still love her there. She is trying to roll over but can't figure out that she has to move her arm to get over. She also can lift her head up very steady now. I miss her like crazy while I am at work but I know that this is good for her. I also know that I would probably go insane if I stayed at home all day.

I have spoiled the girls at work for bringing Katie in once a week. They now want me to take a day off so I can bring her over. I'm glad I decided to have Katie's Dr in the same building that I work in the next appointment is on Oct 12th.

Goal for School

Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.
Katie's goal for school (besides ruling the world) is to be the only one in the class to put her entire hand in her mouth.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Three month pictures

Yes we got her pictures taken again....


Next month is Halloween pictures!!! Posted by Picasa